Jumat, 15 Februari 2013

naskah drama bahasa inggris

naskah drama bahasa inggris
Ande-Ande Lumut
Adegan I
Ruangan rumah sederhana. Tampak rapi dan bersih. Meja dan kursi tertata rapi di tengah ruangan, dipojok kanan terdapat meja kecil. Klenting Merah dan Klenting Biru tampak sedang bersolek. Klenting Kuning masuk dengan baki ditangan. Di atas baki ada minuman dan makanan kecil. Makanan dan minuman diletakkan dimeja kecil.

KlentingMerah            : Ayo. KlentingKuning sini. Sisir rambutku!
KlentingKuning          : (Sambil menyisiri Klenting Merah) Kakak cantik sekali.
KlenitngBiru               : (Sinis, menirukan kata-kata KlentingKuning) Kakak cantik sekali!
Tidak usah menjilat. Ayo, cepat selesaikan pekerjaanmu, setelah itu pegangi cerminku.

Tiba-tiba terdengar panggilan dari dalam.

Ibu  Klenting                           : Kuniiing!!! Cepat kemari!!!

KlentingKuning terburu-buru mengambil bakinya. KlentingMerah menggerutu sambil memakai pensil alis. KlentingBiru memakai lipstik. Ibu tiba-tiba muncul dan mengejutkan KlentingKuning. Baki yang dibawanya terjatuh. Semua terkejut. Pensil alis mencoreng kening KlentingMerah. Lipstik mencoreng pipi KlentingBiru.

Ibu Klenting                            : (Marah) Dasar, anak malas! Dipanggil tidak segera datang. Malah bikin ribut saja. Kalau sampai ada barang-barang rusak, kuhukum kau tidak makan tiga hari. Cepat masak untuk kami!

KlentingKuning keluar. Dari luar terdengar pembawa berita memukul bende berkali-kali sambil berteriak-teriak.

Pembawa Berita          : Pengumuman, pengumuman! Ada jejaka mencari calon istri!
KlentingMerah & KlentingBiru          (Wajah berbinar. Berlari keluar) Apa itu?!

KleningMerah dan KlentingBiru menyuruh pembawa berita untuk masuk kerumahnya.

Ibu Klenting                : Hei, pemuda jelek! Cepat ceritakan pengumuman yang kau bawa! Siapa yang mencari istri? Pasti bukan kamu?!

KlentingKuning Mengintip, ingin tahu berita itu.

Pembawa Berita          : sabar, Bu! Saya segera ceritakan kabar yamg menggemparkan gadis-gadis di Kadipaten ini. pastinya bukan saya yang saya cari calon istri.
Ibu Klenting                : Jangan banyak cakap! Ceritakan saja beritanya!
Pembawa Berita          : Di desa seberang sungai sana, tepatnya di Desa Dadapan, ada seorang perjaka gagah dan tampan mencari seorang pendamping hidup. Namanya Ande Ande Lumut. Gadis-gadis yang ingin menjadi istrinya, diminta datang ke rumah Mbok Rondo Dadapan. Nanti, Si Ande Ande Lumut akan memilih salah satu dari mereka.
KlentingMerah            : Oh, Ande Ande Lumut! Ibu, ijinkan kami ke Desa Dadapan.
KlentingBiru               : Benar, Bu. Pasti dia akan memilih seseorang dari kami.

Kemudian Pembawa Berita kelar rumah.

Adegan 2

KlentingKuning mencuci dandang yang sangat kotor dan berkerak di sungai. Wajahnya sedih lalu menangis.

KlentingKuning          : Oh, Tuhanku. Kapankah kebahagiaan kembali hadir dalam hidupku? Sudah sekian lama waktu kulewati. Siksa dari kakak dan ibu telah aku jalani dengan tabah. Kini, datanglah kesempatan itu. Tapi, (menghela napas) ingin rasanya kuikuti hatiku. Pergi ke Desa Dadapan untuk menemui Ande Ande Lumut.
Dia pasti  sudah mencariku ke mana-mana. Tapi aku masih harus membersihkan dandang ini. Dan aku tidak boleh kembali sampai dandang ini mengkilat seperti baru. Tidak mungkin aku sempat datang ke sana. (menghela napas) Adakah jalan keluar …..
Tiba-tiba asap menggumpal memenuhi ruangan. Muncul cahaya kemilau disusul datangnya seekor bangau sakti. KlentingKuning terkejut.

Bangau Sakti               : Jangan khawatir, KlentingKuning. Aku akan membantu kamu membersihkan dandang itu.
KlentingKuning          : Apakah kamu bisa membuat dandang ini mengkilat seperti baru, bangau sakti?
Bangau Sakti               : Tentu saja.

Bangau membersihkan dandang dengan paruhnya. Dalam sekejap dandang kembali mengkilat, seperti baru. KlentingKuning menerima dandang itu dengan sangat senang.

KlentingKuning          : Terima kasih banyak, bangau sakti.

Bangau Sakti               : Tidak perlu, KlentingKuning. Kesabaranmu, membuatmu berhak mendapatkannya. Kini saatnya sudah hampir tiba. Ikutilah kata hatimu. Pergilah ke Desa Dadapan dan temui Ande Ande Lumut. (sambil mengeluarkan sebatang lidi), Terimalah lidi ini. Gunakan dengan bijaksana, disaat engkau sangat membutuhkannya. Kebahagiaan sudah menunggumu.

KlentingKuning          : Terima kasih! Terima kasih! Bangau sakti!

Babak 2
Adegan 1

Sebuah sungai tempat Yuyu Kangkang berkuasa. Jalan satu-satunya, untuk menuju Desa Dadapan. Siapa pun yang lewat, harus memberikan imbalan. Lalu muncul KlentingMerah dan KlentingBiru.

KlentingBiru               : Bagaiman ini, Kak! Kita tidak bisa melewati sungai ini.

KlentingMerah            : Iya. Tidak mungkin aku berenang ke seberang. Bisa-bisa badanku basah semua.

Yuyu Kangkang          : Wah, wah, wah… Sungguh beruntung aku hari ini. Bertemu gadis-gadis cantik laksana bidadari, berparas elok menarik hati. Hai, gadis cantik!, Apakah kalian akan menyeberang?

KlentingMerah            : Benar sekali, kami akan pergi ke seberang. Maukah kau membantu kami?

Yuyu Kangkang          : Hohoho… dengan senang hati, pasti akan kuseberangkan, gadis cantik. Tapi…

KlentingBiru               : Tapi apa? Berapa biaya yang harus kami bayarkan?

Yuyu Kangkang          : Haahahaahaha. Aku Yuyu Kangkang, tidak butuh uang.

KlentingMerah            : Engkau sungguh baik, wahai Yuyu Kangkang.

KlentingBiru               : Ini pertanda bagus. Tentu kami akan diterima oleh Ande Ande Lumut.

KlentingMerah            : Benar Adikku, marilah kita segera menyeberang. Aku sudah tidak sabar ingin segera disunting Ande Ande Lumut. Yuyu Kangkang, cepat, antarkan kami!

Yuyu Kangkang          : Eittt, tunggu dulu! Memang aku tidak butuh uang saat ini, tapi kamu harus memberiku upah yang lain.

KlentingBiru               : Upah yang lain?, Apa itu?

Yuyu Kangkang          : Bukan hal yang sulit. Aku mau mengantarkan gadis cantik seperti kalian hanya dengan upah sebuah kecupan.

KlentingMerah dan KlentingBiru tampak terkejut. Mereka berunding sementara, Yuyu Kangkang membayangkan upah yang akan dia terima.

KlentingBiru               : Bagaimana ini, Kak? Masa makhluk jelek begitu kita beri cium. Biar cuma sekali tapi kan….. iiihhhhh!!!

KlentingMerah            : Tapi kalau tidak begitu, kita tidak bisa bertemu dengan Ande Ande Lumut. Bagaimana ini? Hemm, sudahlah, kita bayar saja upahnya. Pasti Ande Ande Lumut tidak tahu.

KlentingBiru               : Benar juga, ya. Baiklah. Yang penting kita bisa sampai ke tempat Ande Ande Lumut.

Yuyu Kangkang          : Bagaimana, gadis cantik?

KlentingMerah            : Baiklah, kami akan penuhi persyaratanmu.

Yuyu Kangkang          : He…he..he..he…Mari, mari! Kita segera berangkat ke seberang.

Yuyu Kangkang mengantarkan  KlentingMerah dan KlentingBiru keluar panggung. Dari sisi panggung yang lain muncul KlentingKuning.

KlentingKuning          : Sungai ini begini lebar dan dalamnya. Bagaimana aku bisa ke sana? Tak ada rakit atau jembatan yang bisa kugunakan. Apa mungkin aku bisa bertemu Ande Ande Lumut?
(Yuyu Kangkang masuk dari sisi yang berlawan)
KlentingKuning          : sang yuyu, apakah kau penjaga sungai ini?

Yuyu Kangkang          : Betul. Aku Yuyu Kangkang, penjaga sungai ini.  (berkata pada diri sendiri) ini cuma gadis jelek, kumal, dan bau.

KlentingKuning          : Maukah kau menolongku melewati sungai ini?

Yuyu Kangkang          : (dengan malas) Boleh saja, tapi kau harus membayar  100 ribu.
KlentingKuning          : aku tak punya uang sepeser pun!

Yuyu Kangkang          : (dengan malas) Sudah kukira. Hmm… Kalau begitu, kau akan kuantarkan. Tapi, kamu harus menciumku.

KlentingKuning          : Apa?! Aku tak akan memberimu ciuman.

Yuyu Kangkang          : Ya, sudah. pergi saja sendiri. Ande Ande Lumut tidak akan mau gadis jelek dan bau sepertimu. Yang cantik saja sudah banyak yang dia tolak.

KlentingKuning          : Berarti belum ada gadis yang dia terima! Baiklah, kalau kau tidak mau mengantarku. (berpikir). Bagaimana ini? (berpikir kembali, lalu mengeluarkan lidi, pemberian bangau sakti) Tuhan bantulah aku menuju tempat Ande Ande Lumut. Terimalah ini, Yuyu Kangkang!

KlentingKuning memukulkan lidi ke air sungai. Seketika air sungai menyusut sampai kering. KlentingKuning dengan santai berjalan menyeberangi sungai.

Yuyu Kangkang          : Ampun, gadis sakti! Tolong kembalikan air sungai ini. Aku bisa mati kekeringan, jika tak ada air.

KlentingKuning          : Sudah banyak orang yang menjadi korban keserakahanmu. Sekarang kau harus membayar perilakumu itu. Tunggulah hingga senja hari nanti.  Air sungai ini akan kembali.
Kau harus menolong dengan tulus ikhlas dan tidak menuruti nafsu serakahmu.

Yuyu Kangkang          : Baiklah, aku berjanji. Akan kuingat kata-katamu. Terima kasih, gadis sakti.

Adegan 2
Rumah Mbok Rondo Dadapan dimana Ande-Ande Lumut tinggal. KlentingMerah dan KlentingBiru

Mbok Rondo               : Gadis manis, siapakah nama kalian? Biar kusampaikan pada anakku Ande-Ande Lumut tentang kedatangan kalian. Tapi jangan kecewa, kalau anakku menolak!
KlentingMerah            : Jangan khawatir Mbok Rondo, karena sayalah yang ditunggu Ande-Ande Lumut. Saya KlentingMerah datang dari desa seberang, pintar berdandan dan merawat tubuh.
KlentingBiru               : Jangan lupa saya klentingbiru, gadis manis pujaan pria sepanjang masa.
Mbok Rondo               : Putraku, Ande-Ande Lumut. lihatlah gadis yang ingin menjadi pendamping hidupmu. Yang seorang cantik rupawan bernama KlentingMerah dan seorang lagi yang manis bernama KlentingBiru. Apa ini gadis pilihanmu?
Ande-Ande Lumut     : Bukan, Simbok. Bukan dia gadis yang ku tunggu. Aku tidak mau dapat bekas dari Yuyu Kangkang.

KlentingMerah & KlentingMerah terkejut, saling pandang. Mereka malu.
KlentingMerah            : Ah, dasar sombong. Aku ingin lihat gadis macam apa yang ia tunggu,  pasti tidak lebih baik dari kami.

Muncul KlentingKuning, semua meneggok kearahnya, terkejut dan terdiam sejenak, kemudian dengan ekspresi masing-masing menyepelekannya.

KlentingKuning          : Mbok Rondo Dadapan, tolong sampaikan kepada Ande-Ande Lumut, saya KlentingKuning sudah datang dan ingin bertemu dengannya.
Mbok Rondo               : Yakin kau dengan keinginanmu KlentingKuning? Bukannya Mbok tidak untuk menyampaikan,  tapi lihatlah sekitarmu. Gadis yang sudah berdandan sedemikian cantik ditolaknya. Sedangkan kamu, sepertinya belum sempat membersihkan diri, sebelum datang kesini.
KlentingKuning          : Tidak masalah Mbok. Sampaikan saja kepada Ande-nde Lumut. Kalau dia menolakku, akan ku terima dengan lapang dada.

Mbok Rondo memberitahu Ande-Ande Lumut. Wajah Ande-Ande Lumut tampak berbinar dan tersenyum. Ia menghampiri KlentingKuning.

Ande-Ande Lumut     : Inilah gadis pilihanku, Simbok!
Mbok Rondo               : (Heran bercampur binggung) Anakku, tidakkah kau salah memilih?
Ande-Ande Lumut     : Tidak Simbok. Dia bukan sisa dari Yuyu Kangkang.

Dengarkanlah kalian semua, janganlah melihat seseorang dari luarnya. Tapi ketahuilah hati dan jiwanya. Sungguhnya dari luar KlentingKuning tampak buruk rupa, namun kemurnian pekertinya, ketulusan hatinya dan kesucian jiwanya, membuat dia jauh lebih cantik dan bersinar diantara gadis lain. Ketahuilah bahwa KlentingKuning sesungguhnya adalah Dewi Galuh Candra Kirana, putri Kerajaan Daha. Sebenarnya aku adalah Pangeran Panji Inu Kerta Patih dari Kerajaan Kediri. Sudah bertahun-tahun aku mencari tunagnganku yang hilang. Sekarang aku sudah menemukannya. Aku akan membawanya kembali pulang ke Kerajaan Daha. Terima kasih atas kebaikanmu atas selama ini, Mbok Rondo Dadapan.

Scenes I
Room of the house is simple. Looks neat and clean. Tables and chairs arranged neatly in the middle of the room, right corner there is a small table. Klenting Merah dan Klenting Biru seemed to be preening. Klenting  Kuning entered with a tray in hand. On the tray was a drink and a snack. Food and drinks are put on the table is small.
KlentingMerah            : Come on. KlentingKuning here. Comb my hair!
KlentingKuning          : (While combing Klenting Merah) brother’s beautiful.
KlenitngBiru               : (Cynical, mimicking the words KlentingKuning) Brother’s beautiful! No need to lick. Come on, finish your work, then catch hold of my mirror.
Suddenly, there was a call from within.
Mother Klenting         : Kuniiing!!! Get in here!!!
KlentingKuning rush to take his tray. KlentingMerah grumbled while wearing eyebrow pencil. KlentingBiru wearing lipstick. Mother sudden and surprising KlentingKuning. Tray he was carrying fell. All surprised. KlentingMerah forehead smeared eyebrow pencil. KlentingBiru cheeks smeared lipstick.
Mother Klenting         : (Angry) Basic, lazy Girl! Called did not come soon. Instead make noise only. If there is broken stuff, I punish you do not eat three days. Quick cook for us!
KlentingKuning out. From outside came a messenger hit Bende repeatedly shouting.
Pembawa Berita          : Announcement, announcement! There is a youth looking for future wife!
KlentingMerah & KlentingBiru (‘s face lit up. Ran out) What’s that?!
KleningMerah and KlentingBiru told Pembawa Berita to enter his house.
Klenting Mom             : Hey, lads ugly! Quick announcement telling you brought! Who’s looking for a wife? Certainly not you?!
Peering KlentingKuning, curious news.
Pembawa Berita          : wait, Mom! I immediately told the news whice electrify the girls in this Duchy. certainly not me I was looking for a wife.
Mother Klenting         : Do a lot of conversation! Just tell the story!
Pembawa Berita          : In the village across the river there, precisely in the Village Dadapan, there was a dashing and handsome bachelor looking for a partner for life. His name Ande Ande Lumut. Girls who want to be his wife, was asked to come to the house Mbok Rondo Dadapan. Later, The Ande Ande Lumut will choose one of them.
KlentingMerah            : Oh, Ande Ande Lumut! Mother, let us to the village of Dadapan.
KlentingBiru               : Yes, ma’am. Surely he will choose someone from us.
Then the news bearer finished home.

Scene 2
KlentingKuning washing cormorant that was very dirty and crusty on the river. Her face was sad and crying.
KlentingKuning          : Oh, my Gods. When will my present happiness back in my life? For a long time I pass the time. Torture of the brother and mother I had lived with courage. Now, came the opportunity. But, (sigh) it feels like I follow my heart. Go to the village Dadapan to meet Ande Ande Lumut.
He must have been looking for me everywhere. But I still have to clean up this steamer. And I can not go back until the boiler is shiny like new. No way I could come there. (Sigh) Is there a way out …..
Smoke suddenly filled the room clumping. Light sheen appeared followed by the arrival of a powerful crane. KlentingKuning surprised.

Magic Stork                : Do not worry, KlentingKuning. I’ll help you clean the boiler it.
KlentingKuning          : Are you able to make it shine like new cormorant, magic stork ?
Magic Stork                : Certainly.
Stork cleaning steamer with its beak. In an instant shiny back boiler, as new. KlentingKuning accept it with great pleasure steamer.
KlentingKuning          : Thank you very much, Magic storks.
Magic Stork                : No, KlentingKuning. Your Patience makes you eligible. Now the time has almost arrived. Follow your heart. Go to the village Dadapan and met Ande Ande Lumut. (Taking out a stick), Take this stick. Use it wisely, when you really need it. Happiness is waiting.
KlentingKuning: Thank you! Thank you! Magic Stork!
Round 2
Scenes 1
A river where Yuyu Kangkang power. The only way, to get to the village Dadapan. Anyone passing by, should give rewards. Then came KlentingMerah and KlentingBiru.
KlentingBiru               : How does it, Sister! We can not pass this river.
KlentingMerah            : Yes. No way I swam across. I could have all my body wet.
Yuyu Kangkang          : Wah, wah, wah … Luckily for me today. Meet beautiful girls like fairies, beautiful flawless interesting. Hi, pretty girl!, Are you going to cross?
KlentingMerah            : That’s right, we’ll go to the other side. Will you help us?
Yuyu Kangkang          : Hohoho … be happy, sure will I deliver, beautiful girl. But …
KlentingBiru               : But what? How much should we pay?
Yuyu Kangkang          : Haahahaahaha. I’m Yuyu Kangkang, do not need the money.
KlentingMerah            : You are really good, O.. Yuyu Kangkang.
KlentingBiru               : This is a good sign. Of course we will be accepted by the Ande Ande Lumut.
KlentingMerah            : Yes My brother, let us quickly cross. I can not wait to get edited Ande Ande Lumut. Yuyu Kangkang, fast, deliver us!
Yuyu Kangkang          : Eittt, wait a minute! Granted I do not need the money now, but you have to give me another reward.
KlentingBiru               : Wage else?, What is it?
Yuyu Kangkang          : It’s not that difficult. I want to deliver a pretty girl like you, only to wages a kiss.
KlentingMerah and KlentingBiru looked surprised. They negotiate temporary wage Yuyu Kangkang imagine he would receive.
KlentingBiru               : How is it, brother? Period ugly creature so we give kisses. Let me just once but it ….. iiihhhhh!!!
KlentingMerah            : But if not so, we could not meet the Ande Ande Lumut. How is this? Hemm, well, we pay just wages. Ande Ande Lumut certainly don’t  know.
KlentingBiru               : That’s true, yes. Alright. The important thing is we get to where Ande Ande Lumut.
Yuyu Kangkang          : How, pretty girl?
KlentingMerah            : Well, we will meet your terms.
Yuyu Kangkang          : He … he .. he .. he … Come, come! We immediately went to the other side.
Yuyu Kangkang deliver KlentingBiru KlentingMerah and exit the stage. From the other side of the stage appeared KlentingKuning.

KlentingKuning          : The river is so wide and deep. How do I get there? There was no raft or bridge I could use. What could I have met Ande Ande Lumut?
(Yuyu Kangkang enter from the opposite side)
KlentingKuning          the crab, do you guard this river?
Yuyu Kangkang          : Yes. I’m Yuyu Kangkang, guard the river. (Said to myself) it’s just a bad girl, dingy, and smell.
KlentingKuning          : Will you help me through this river?
Yuyu Kangkang          : (reluctantly) It’s okay, but you have to pay 100 thousand.
KlentingKuning          : I do not have any money!
Yuyu Kangkang          : (lazily) Thought. Hmm … Then you’ll deliver. But you have to kiss me.
KlentingKuning          : What! I will not give you a kiss.
Yuyu Kangkang          : Yes, I have. go by yourself. Ande Ande Lumut would not want a girl ugly and smell like. That alone is pretty much that he refused.
KlentingKuning          : This means no girl that he received! Well, if you do not want to take me. (Thinking). How is this? (Thinking back, then got the stick, giving stork supernatural) God help me towards the Ande Ande Lumut. Take this, Yuyu Kangkang!
KlentingKnaskaghuning banged sticks into the river. Instantaneous shrinking rivers to dry. KlentingKuning casually walk across the river.
Yuyu Kangkang          : forgiveness, magic girl! Please return this river. I could die of drought, when there is no water.
KlentingKuning          : There have been many people who are victims of your greedy. Now you have to pay for that behavior. Wait until the next evening. The water of this river will be back.
You need help with sincere and not indulged your greedy.
Yuyu Kangkang          : All right, I promise. I’ll remember your words. Thank you, magic girl.
Scene 2
Mbok home Rondo Dadapan where Ande Ande Lumut stay. KlentingMerah and KlentingBiru
Mbok Rondo               : Sweet girl, who is your name? Let I passed on my son Ande Ande Lumut about your coming. But do not be disappointed, if my son refused!
KlentingMerah            : Do not worry Mbok Rondo, because I was the one who awaited Ande Ande Lumut. I’m KlentingMerah come from across the country, smart dress and grooming.
KlentingBiru               : Don’t forget me KlentingBiru, sweet girl idol man of all time.
Mbok Rondo               : My son, Ande Ande Lumut. look at the girl who wants to be the companion of your life. Its a pretty good-looking named KlentingMerah and another named the sweetes KlentingBiru. What is this girl’s choice?
Ande Ande Lumut     : No, Simbok. Is not the girl that I wait. I do not want to be traces of Yuyu Kangkang.
KlentingMerah & KlentingMerah surprised, looked at each other. They were ashamed.
KlentingMerah: Ah, arrogant. I want to see what kind of girl she was waiting for, certainly not better than us.
Appears KlentingKuning, all meneggok at him, shocked and silent for a moment, then shrugged expression respectively.

KlentingKuning          : Rondo Mbok Dadapan, please pass the Ande Ande Lumut, I KlentingKuning had come and wanted to meet him.
Mbok Rondo               : Sure you do with a desire KlentingKuning? Instead Mbok not to deliver, but look around you. The girl who had rejected such a beautiful dress. As for you, apparently not had time to clean up, before coming here.
KlentingKuning          : No problem Mbok. Tell it to Ande Ande Lumut. If he turned me down, I’ll accept it gracefully.

Mbok Rondo tells Ande Ande Lumut. Ande Ande Lumut face looks glowing and smiling. He went KlentingKuning.
Ande Ande Lumut     : This girl my choice, Simbok!
Mbok Rondo               : (Wonder mixed confused) My son, do not you wrong?
Ande Ande Lumut     : No Simbok. She’s not the rest of Yuyu Kangkang.
Listen to you all, do not see someone from the outside. But know the heart and soul. Verily from the outside KlentingKuning looks ugly, but the purity and character, his sincerity and purity of his soul, making him far more beautiful and shining among the other girls. Know that real KlentingKuning is Galuh Goddess Candra Kirana, daughter Daha kingdom. Actually I was Prince Panji Inu Kerta regent of the kingdom of Kediri. It’s been years I searched for a missing tunagnganku. Now I’ve found it. I’ll bring it back home to the kingdom of Daha. Thank you for your kindness above all this, Mbok Dadapan Rondo.

Naskah drama bahasa inggris timun mas
Act 1
Narrator : Once upon a time, in a place deep inside the forest, there were a green giant named Buto Ijo and a sacred hermit. They were best friends since toddlers. One day, the hermit came to the grotto to see his best friend.
Hermit : Is anyone inside? [Walks inside the grotto]
Buto Ijo : I’m here.
Hermit : There you are my best friend, what are you doing?
Buto Ijo : Eating. Isn’t it obvious?
Hermit : Oh… I see. What are you eating?
Buto Ijo : [No response, just continue eating]
Hermit : You’re so annoying! Can I have some?
Buto Ijo : [Turns his body away, not willing to share his foods with the hermit]
Hermit : [Angry] As usual, you never share me your foods though I always shared mine to you! You stingy giant! I loathe you!
Buto Ijo : As if I care! [Continue eating]
Hermit : Someday your greed will get its return! Don’t regret it! I’m leaving! [Gets out of the grotto with anger]

Act 2
Narrator : One day, there was pleasant couple. They lived in a village near the forest. They lived happily. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any children yet. Everyday they prayed to God for a child.
Mother : Oh God… please give us a child. I promise I will always protect my child. Please answer our prayer. Thank you God.
Narrator : The green giant, Buto Ijo, coincidentally passed by the couple’s house. He heard what they were praying for.
Buto Ijo : Whoa…ha…ha…ha! I heard that!
Mother : [gasps] Oh my God! W-Who are you?
Buto Ijo : I’m Buto Ijo.
Father : [comes toward his wife] What’s with the noise? Who is that, honey?
Mother : Oh my husband, Buto Ijo is in front of our house. I’m scared. He will kill both of us!
Buto Ijo : Whoa…ha…ha…ha… I’m not going to kill you. But I will fulfill your request to have a child.
Father : You are just joking, aren’t you?
Buto Ijo : No…No… I’m serious, yes, I’m really serious. If you don’t believe me it doesn’t matter.
Mother : All right… All right. My husband, let’s see what he can do to help us.
Buto Ijo : [Gives the seeds] Look, here are some cucumber seeds. Plant these seeds, then you’ll get a daughter.
Father : Do you mean it? It’s so easy.
Buto Ijo : Yes, I mean it. But remember, on her seventeenth birthday, I’ll come back to take the girl.
Mother : Oh, husband… please I want a child! Let’s try his offer!
Father : But… Oh well, if you insist, I’ll take his offer.
Mother : [Bows down] Oh, thank you, husband! Thank you a lot, Buto Ijo!
Buto Ijo : Whoa…ha…ha…ha. See you again seventeen years from now, humans. And remember your promise. [Go away]

Act 3
Narrator : The next day, the couple planted the seeds. Months later, a golden cucumber grew in the yard. The cucumber was getting bigger and bigger each day.
Mother : Look! Look! The cucumber grew very big! It’s so fantastic!
Father : Yeah, you right. What a very big one.
Mother : It’s ripe already. Does it work? How can this big thing give us a daughter?
Father : I don’t know. Don’t ask me.
Mother : I think it’s time for us to open it up. I wonder what makes it’s so big. Don’t you think so?
Father : Yes. Let’s cut it into two.
Narrator :Carefully, they cut the cucumber into two. To their surprise, they found a beautiful baby girl inside the cucumber. How joyful they were.
Mother : [gasps] Oh my goodness! There is a baby girl inside this cucumber! Is it for real? Or am I dreaming?
Father : Yes it is. You want me to pinch you to prove it?
Mother : Err… No thanks. [Holds the baby out] This baby is so cute! God, thank you so much! Thank you so much!
Father : What will we name her?
Mother : I think I will name her Timun Mas, husband. Because she came from the cucumber and she is cute. That name really suits her, isn’t it?
Father : I agree with you.

Act 4
Narrator : Years passed by and Timun Mas grew into a lovely girl. Her parents were very proud of her but their hearts hurt so badly when they remembered their promise to Buto Ijo. The couple then remembered that there was a sacred hermit living inside the forest. So they went there for the help.
Mother : [Knocking the door] Excuse us.
Hermit : [Comes toward the door and opens it] May I ask who you both are?
Mother : My name is Sarni. This is my husband. We both are farmers living in the village near the forest.
Hermit : What do you want from me?
Father : We need your help.
Hermit : Okay, please come in. Tell me the whole story.
Narrator : The couple told the hermit about their wish and how Buto Ijo fulfilled it. And also the promise they made with the Giant. The hermit listened to them carefully as him nodded for the umpteenth time, until the couple finished their story.
Hermit : As expected, Buto Ijo did horrible thing as he wished. His greed explained everything. We need to do something.
Mother : Please, good Hermit, help us. Don’t let Buto Ijo take one dearest daughter. She’s been with us for seventeenth years.
Father : My wife is right, good hermit. What shall we do?
Hermit : Please be still and stop crying. Look, here is the bundle. There are four things and messages inside. They will help Timun Mas run away from the giant.
Father : [Takes the bundle] Are you sure they will work?
Hermit : Believe me, it will. Buto Ijo must be punished for his action.
Mother : Thank you very much, good hermit!

Act 5
Narrator : It so happened that one day on Timun Mas’s seventeenth birthday, Buto Ijo came for the couple’s promise.
Buto Ijo : Whoa…ha…ha... Hey, peasant, where is your lovely daughter? I come here to pick her up. Remember the promise you said to me!
Father : Please be patient, Buto Ijo. Timun Mas, my daughter, is playing in the field.
Buto Ijo : What a shit! I know you’re lying! But never mind, I’ll find her by myself! [Turns away to find Timun Mas]
Father : I’m glad he’s gone. Timun Mas, come here, child.
TimunMas : Yes, daddy, I’m coming. Who’s that?
Mother : He is Buto Ijo, the green giant. For some reason, he’s looking for you. I’m sure he’ll come back here soon.
TimunMas : Oh my God, what’ll he do to me?
Father : Listen to me, Timun Mas, all you have to do is run away from him. [Gives the bundle to Timun Mas] Take this bundle with you. It contains chili seeds, salt, cucumber seeds, and shrimp paste.
TimunMas: What should I do with these?
Father : Throw each of them when the giant gets closer to you. These will help you get away from the giant.
TimunMas : What about you, mom and dad?
Mother : Don’t worry about us. Oh my God, the giant is coming! Now, run, Timun Mas! Run as fast as you can! Please be careful!
TimunMas : Thank you, mom and dad! You too please take care of yourselves! [Runs away]

Act 6
Narrator : After that, the giant chased Timun Mas and he was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then took a handful of salt from the bundle. She spread out the salt and magically a wide sea appeared between them.
TimunMas : Take that you evil giant!
Buto Ijo : [Smirks] Ho…ho…ho. You think you can run away from me! No way in hell! Whoa…ha…ha…ha. C’mon I’ll get you! [Swims through the sea]
TimunMas : Oh my God! How did he do that?? I don’t know he can swim!
Buto Ijo : Wait for me, you little girl!
TimunMas : Oh no! He’s getting closer to me. There’s no other choice! Take this, giant!
Narrator : And then she took the chili seeds and threw them at the giant. Suddenly the seeds grew into some trees and trapped him. The next thing he knew, the trees grew some thorns as sharp as a knife.
Buto Ijo : Ouch…Ouch! How the hell these trees grew into thorns?? It hurts badly!
TimunMas : Take that one too, evil creature!
Buto Ijo : So, you want to play with me huh? You’ll regret it when you lose!
TimunMas : Oh no! He is still chasing me! I must run faster!
Narrator : Once again, the giant almost caught Timun Mas. So, Timun Mas took the cucumber seeds and threw them onto the ground.
Buto Ijo : What now? What’s this? Cucumbers are everywhere! They look delicious! I guess it’s better for me to have appetizers first.
TimunMas : Hosh…Hosh…Oh I’m out of breath. But the giant was eating the cucumbers. This is my chance to run away!
Buto Ijo : [Yawns] Whoaaah…I’m very sleppy. I want to sleep first. After that I’ll find Timun Mas. Wait for me girl, I’ll come and make you my dinner tonight!
Narrator : Timun Mas kept on running as fast as she could. But soon she was very tired herself. And things were getting worse as the giant had woken up.
Buto Ijo : Whoaaah…I’m fresh again! Hey, Timun Mas, you can’t run away from me. I’ll get you! Hohoho…
TimunMas : Oh, God, he has woken up! What shall I do, God? Please help me!
Buto Ijo : So, you want to play hide and seek, don’t you? Where are you? C’mon, c’mon little girl… come to your papa!
TimunMas : God! Please help me!!
Buto Ijo : There you are, little girl! One more step and I’ll catch you!
TimusMas : This is my last hope! [Throws something] Take that, Buto Ijo!
Narrator : Desperately she then threw her last weapon, the shrimp paste. Magically, the paste turned into a big swamp.
Buto Ijo : Oh, no, what’s this? It’s so sticky and smells fishy! Timun Mas…! I swear I will swallow you as soon as I catch you!
Narrator : The giant fell into the swamp but his hands almost reached Timun Mas. Suddenly the swamp pulled him to the bottom and his hands lost her.
TimunMas : Finally I’m free!
Buto Ijo : Oh, no… help! Help me! Someone help me!
TimunMas : No one will help you, giant, because you’re a bad person.
Buto Ijo : Please help me…!! I swear I won’t do something bad again! Promise me!
Hermit : [comes out of the blue] Are you sure about your words?
Buto Ijo : Arggh… Hermit! Finally you come! Please help me!
TimunMas : [shocks] Who are you?
Hermit : [Turns his face to Timun Mas] Ah, am I scared you? Let me introduce myself. I am a hermit. So just call me hermit. You don’t need to know my real name. And this giant is my best friend.
Buto Ijo : Yes, I am his best friend! Please get me out of here!
Hermit : [Turns back to Buto Ijo] I will help you out if you promise you won’t do bad things again and stop being a greedy person.
Buto Ijo : Yes, I promise! I promise I will be a good person! You can count on me!
Narrator : Finally, the good hermit helped Buto Ijo, his best friend. As soon as the giant got out of the swamp, it was disappear. Then the giant apologized to Timun Mas as well as to the hermit. Fortunately they both forgave him. From then on, Buto Ijo lived as a good giant and always helped the peasants with their fields. As for Timun Mas, she lived happily with her parents with no fear anymore.

-The End-

1. Buto Ijo (Imam) : Pakaian serba hijau (baju dan celana, kalau ada topi atau kain berwarna hijau untuk menutup kepala), lalu bantal (atau apapun) yang bisa digunakan untuk menyumpal perut (biar kelihatan gendut).
2. Timun Mas (Dinny): Selendang sebagai bawahannya, sedangkan atasannya boleh apa aja.
3. Hermit (Dini): Pakaian sopan. (Namanya juga pertapa suci)
4. Mother (Fanfan): Sama kayak Timun Mas.
5. Father (Thomas): Hmm, bukannya udah dikasih tahu ya father harus pakai baju apa. Yah, baju-baju jaman dulu yang agak lusuh maybe? (sebenarnya saya nggak punya ide bajunya seperti apa, sama halnya dengan baju untuk karakter lain)
6. Narrator (Ican): Pakaian biasa aja kayaknya.
7. Boneka bayi. Buat yang punya tolong dibawa.
8. Ada yang punya ide buat cucumber besar di act 3?
9. Lalu kantung kecil buat bundle tempat menyimpan ketiga senjata yang dipakai Timun Mas buat kabur dari Buto Ijo. Please seseorang bawa itu.
10. Apa lagi ya? Kayaknya nggak ada.

Hapalkan naskah-nya ya! Supaya kita dapet nilai yang bagus. Maaf kalau naskahnya jadi agak panjang. I was doing my best when making it. Maaf buat kata-kata kasar yang ada di naskah ini. Karena nggak ada waktu buat latihan, maka hapalkan dialog karakter masing-masing supaya dramanya berjalan dengan lancar *amiin* Jangan lupa bawa properties-nya, okay?


Narrator:        This is one of the oldest tales from Indonesian, long time ago when the land was made out of small villages. In one particular household there was an old man who had two wives, each with their own beautiful daughter. Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah. The old man eventually passed away and shortly after, a tragic accident befell to his first wife, leaving Bawang Putih at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and half sister. One Monday morning, Bawang Merah woke up and felt very hungry, she went to the kitchen.
BM:                 “Uuaaahheemm,,,, I feel so hungry! Why is here no food at all? Mom…..mommy….!!!”
Step Mother:   “Yes Bawang Merah, what wrong? Why you are yelling so early in the morning?”
BM:                 “I’m hungry mom and look at this mom! The kitchen is so dirty. Where is the ugly girl  mom? Tell her to make breakfast for me!”
Step Mother:   “Putih? Maybe she is still sleeping. I will call her! Putiiiihhhh……..!!”
“Come here! Why are you still sleeping until now? Do you know what time is it?”
BP:                  “Sorry mom, I was tired and over slept”
BM:                 “I don’t care. I’m hungry!!! I just want to have my breakfast! Right now!!!!!!!!!”
Step Mother:   “Okay, Putih you have to make breakfast for my beloved daughter and wash the entire kitchen dishes, quickly!”
BP:                  “Yes mom I will prepare breakfast for her.”
BM:                 “Mom, can you please tell her to make it quick!”
Step Mother:   “Yes my dear, she is like a snail! Can you please wait a moment?”
BM:                 “Okay mom. But tell her to make it quick!”
Narrator:          After preparing breakfast, Bawang putih rushed away to the river and wash all the kitchen dishes, she walked towards the River near her house. Arriving in the River, she immediately washed the dishes and met with young lady
B.O:                “Wow, it’s wonderful day! But I have to wash all my dirty clothes. It will make me tired.”
BP:                  “Excuse me, may join with you?”
BO:                 “Sure!”
BP:                   “ Thanks, by the way, I never seen you before here, are you new comer here?”
BO:                  “Yes, I am new comer  here, last week I moved here, my name is Bombay, and what is your name?”
Bp:                   “ Putih, nice to meet you!”
BO:                  “Nice to meet you too, by the way, I see you look so sad? What happened with you?”
BP:                   “ Yeah, I have a little bit problem with my family.”
BO:                  “ Ohh,,, if you have problem, you can share with me. We are friend alright.”
BP:                   “Thanks Bombay, you are very kind.”
BO:                  “Ok don’t feel sad again! Putih, do you know the handsome boy from next village? He is very handsome”
BP:                   “Who is he?”
BO:                  “He is Elias, do you know him?”
BP:                   “No, I never seen and heard about him before!”
BO:                  “Really?? You never met him? He is tall and has perfect body and good smile, even though he has dark skin, but still cute.”
BP:                   “But, I don’t know him”
BO:                  “Oh,,,, forget it! Ohhh,,,,, my God,  I have to go home now, my mother will worry if I come late”
BP:                   “Okay, see you later, bye!”
BO:                  “Bye,,,, take care!”
Narrator:         The young lady went home and Bawang Putih continued her work while daydreaming. She was not aware if Bawang Merah’s mug was being away by the current of the river”
BP:                  “Why I’m so unlucky? I just wish my parents were still here, maybe I won’t be like this.”
Narrator:          “After washing the kitchen stuff, Bawang Putih back home. Elsewhere there was a handsome man named Elias who was fishing in the river.”
Elias:               “Oh, I think today is not my lucky day! I already sitting here from 5 hours ago, but I haven’t got a single fish yet! Oh, poor me! Oh,,,,,, wait, I think my fishing rod catch something! What is this?”
Narrator:          Elsewhere, the garlic was arrived at home and Bawang Merah standing in front of the door waiting for her.
BM:                 “Putih, I’m thirsty and need a glass of ice tea. Make it for me, remember, you have to use my red mug!”
BP:                  “Yes sister, wait a minute! Here it is (carrying a glass of ice tea)”
BM:                 “I told you to use my mug, why are you using this mug? Where is my mug?”
BP:                  “Sorry sister, I lost it when I washed the kitchen dishes in the river.”
BM:                 “What???????????? You said you lost it? How dare you are! Stupid girl! Now, I don’t want to hear any reason, you have to find it now!”
Step Mother: “Eiihh,,,,,what is wrong Merah? You look so mad?”
BM:                 “Do you know what mom? She lost my lovely mug!”
Step mother: “Really? How dare you are”
BP:                  “Sorry mum, it was accident!”
BM:                 “Shut up! I don’t want to know, the main thing you need to find is my mug and do not dare go home if you haven’t found it. Understand?”
Step Mother:   “Yeah, you go now!”
BM:                 “Yes……..”
Narrator:          Bawang Putih felt so sad and went to the river while crying, and there was a fairy came close to her.
Fairy:               “Oh dear, what happened with you? Why are you crying alone here? Are you looking for something?”
BP:                  “Ahhhh,,,,,, who are you?”
Fairy:               “I’m fairy that comes here to help you! Btw may I know your name, please?”
BP:                  “I’m Bawang Merah and I’m looking for my half sister’s mug”
Fairy:               “Why are looking it here?”
BP:                  “Yes, because I lost it when I washed the kitchen dishes in the river this morning and now I have to find it soonest, but I couldn’t”
Fairy:               “Oh,,,,, poor you are! Don’t be sad dear, you will find it later, promise me.”
BP:                  “But how? I already walk through the river, but nothing”
Fairy:               “Calm down, I will help you just go back to the river again, you will meet with someone there.”
BP:                  “Thanks so much, fairy!”
Narrator:          “The fairy was disappeared and Bawang Putih went back to river and meet with a young boy”
Elias:               “Hi, what are you looking for? You look so afraid and sad!”
BP:                  “Yes, I’m looking for a mug that my sister has it.”
Elias:               “Wait, is it a mug that has red colour?”
BP:                  “Yes, exactly right! But how do you know?”
Elias:               “Just a second, I will be back!”
BP:                  “Wait, for me! Did you see it?”
Elias:               “Is this your mug?”
BP:                  “Yes, this is my sister’s mug! How do you find it?”
Elias:               “I just found it in the river when I was fishing.”
BP:                  “Thanks so much for your kindness and I have to go home now!”
Elias:               “Wait,,,,,, just want to know what is your name!”
BP:                  “My name is putiiiihhhh!”(while running)
Elias:               “Putih, nice name same like her, will I met with her again?
Narrator:          Suddenly the fairy came
Fairy:               “Hi handsome boy, what are you doing here just talking by yourself?
Elias:               “I just met with beautiful girl with white t-shirt
Fairy:               “Wow, sound is good; any way is she Bawang Putih?”
Elias:               “How do you know her? And who are you?”
Fairy:               “I’m fairy and she is my friend”
Elias:               “Oh really? Would you like to accompany me to her house?”
Fairy:               “Yes of course!”
Narrator:          Elias and fairy went to Bawang Putih’s house while Bawang Merah arrived at home. Her step mother was sitting on the chair.
Step Mother:   “Where did you go? You leaved the house like this?”
BP:                  “I’m looking for Bawang Merah’s mug in the river”
BM:                 “Putih,,,,,, where is my mug?”
BP:                  “Here it is!”
BM:                 “Give it to me!”
Step Mother:   “Next time never lost anything that Bawang Merah has”
BP:                  “Yes Mom, I promise I never lost anything again”
Narrator:          “Suddenly, Elias and the fairy in their house”
Elias:               “Excuse me, is this Bawang putih’s house?”
Step Mother:   “Who are you?”
Elias:               “I’m the handsome boy, from next village”
BM:                 “Wow, so handsome! Mom, I want him to be my husband.”
Step Mother:   “Calm down honey, he will be your husband, believe your mom.”
Elias:               “Excuse me, can somebody answer my question?”
Step Mother:   “Oh…… this is not Putih’s house, here just me and my beautiful daughter”
BM:                 “Hi, my name is Merah!”
Step Mother:   “She is my beautiful daughter”
Narrator:          Bawang Putih went home with sad face!
Elias:               “Hi, Putih! are you Putih alright”
BP:                  “Why are you here?”
Elias:               “I’m looking for you!”
BP:                  “What for? Do want to say something?”
Elias:               “Come here, follow me!”
BP:                  “What are you doing here?”
Elias:               “I would like to say something to you.”
BP:                  “What is that?”
Elias:               “To be honest, when the first time we met, I felt something different. I’m falling in love with you.”
BP:                  “What are you talking about?”
Elias:               “Would you like to marry me?”
BP:                  “What is  that ????”
Elias:               “Ups Sorry this is my lunch, so once again would you like to marry me ?”
BP:                  “I…I…I…Can’t ….refuse you Elias. Yes I do.”
Elias:               Really.
BP:                  “yes.”
Elias:               “Yes..Yes..Yes…!”
“So, do you love me too?”
BP:                  “Yes, of course”
Elias:               “Thanks, I promise I will make you happy forever”

Narrator:          Finally, Bawang Putih and Elias got married. Bawang Merah felt jelous and mad with Bawang Putih, but she can’t do anything. Bawang Merah make apologize to Bawang Putih and they stay in Elias’s house Happy ever after.